Fernando António Lecas Moreira started his activity in 1987 with the name Lecas Antunes & Filhos Lda. It was created in 1996 with partners Fernando Lecas, Helder Moreira e Nelson Moreira. Lecas dedicates its commerce to machines and itens for the textile and confeccion industry, sewing machines, acessórios e assistência técnica. Linhas, botões, fechos, elásticos, etiquetas, molas de preção, sacos, fita cola,etc.

Know - How

With experience acquired over the last 20 years, Lecas Lda has strengthen its partnerships, allowing for a fast and objective answer to our customers’ challenges. Lecas Lda is always paying attention to the latest trends of the textile industry, which has allowed our company to present solutions that fit your needs.
We search everyday what you’ll need tomorrow.